June 2, 2011

Happy Winter

A day late, I know. But here's a little winter editorial from Contributor Magazine to get us ready for the start of the season.

If not for the beautiful colour pallet, it's the fur that reeled me in.

Mmmmm. Furrrrrr.

images: fashion gone rogue
edits by me


Anonymous said...

Miann I think it is obvious from reading all of these posts how loved and adored you are and if some lame bitch wants to waste their time because they have no direction in life than let them. I don't need to tell you they're jealous of you.

Also maybe they should reconsider the size of their own nose before they go criticising others. Probs why she targeted you. Because she's a fat slurryyyyyy.

But seriously, I'm all for a bit of a boob pop.

thisiswhati'dwear said...

Yes hun! The pants are new in at Dotti. They're the BEST! A little advice though - You might be put off by the HORRIBLE smell of them.. It's from the treatment they use to get the faux leather look. I just covered the inside of them with bicarb soda for 2hours on each side.. That gets rid of it.. Weird I know, but they're SO worth it!



Veronica Lauritsen said...

It`s a necklace(posted today as you see) Love it my self:)

Link Building said...

nice collection

Link Building Tips and Tricks

Link Building said...

nice collection

Link Building Tips and Tricks